Durham Region Maternity Session – Brandon & Stephanie


Sigh…Why do I get theeee most drop dead gorgeous maternity clients, only to remind me of the mess that was I when I was pregnant.


Maternity Photography Toronto Oshawa Wedding PHotographer

See? I told you!! Gorgeous! Now get a load of her man:

Maternity Photography Toronto Ontario Oshawa Mississauga Wedding Photographer

Now, imagine what their baby is going to look like?? Gorgeous I imagine.  Won’t have to wait long, because baby came just a few days ago.  Now put Brandon and Stephanie together and you have:


GORGEOUS! Can I say that any more times in this post?  But not only are they a smoking hot couple, they are really nice people as well.  I believe their baby is truly blessed to be born to these two people.  They are going to make great parents.    Something tells me that baby’s grandparents are going to spoil the heck out of him too…I know I let the cat out of the bag, baby is a boy!


Stephanie and Brandon thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to photograph this special time in your life.  Your first pregnancy, and hopefully soon, your first baby!  Enjoy your baby, because as I’m sure many will tell you, it goes by so quickly! Congratulations on your first born, may he bring you many, many years of happiness and joy.  And here’s to the next one! (Yup, all ready I’m gonna go there!) 🙂

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