WPPI – Wedding Portrait Photographers International Tradeshow

I’ve been doing alot of back and forth in my head…to go or not to go (ok, well maybe “not to go” isn’t the right wording, more along the lines of “can I swing it with everything that’s going on??”  WPPI – The Wedding Portrait Photographers International Tradeshow, held in Las Vegas at the MGM,  for a whole week from March 4 – 11.  This event is held every year for, you guessed it, wedding photographers!  Considering this will be my first full year in business, I feel it necessary to go to meet the vendors I am currently working with, select new vendors and new products,  “schmooze” with other photographers, find out what’s going on in the industry, what’s hip, what’s out and just show up and be a sponge!   This is something I’ve been dreaming about doing for a year now, and feel if I really want to take my career as a photographer to the next level, I have to keep moving forward, and attending this tradeshow is one of the steps needed to accomplish this. 

Lawrence at Tofurious is holding a contest for free passes to the event (a $400 value), something that is making it increasingly harder for me to come up with a reason I can’t attend.  I mean come on,  time in vegas (for a poker playing fiend like myself!), hanging out with people with the same passion as myself (I may even meet the incredible [b]ecker and maybe pick his brain for a millisecond!), peruse what different vendors have to offer (maybe come home with a new product or two to offer to my clients!), and learn…learn…learn…!   I am leaving it up to fate, if I win this pass, there will be no excuse for me not to go…so here’s to fate, and everything that comes with it!! Wish me luck!

Coming up tomorrow…Hailey!

Toronto Lighting Essentials Workshop

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