A boy and his dog…

a boy and his dog photography

We had just gotten home from Lonestar and decided to walk off our fajitas for 4!  I whispered under my breath, barely audible, except to the most trained ear, “walk”.  And boy did she come running!! If she could’ve put her own leash on at that point in time, I’m sure she would’ve.  Her counterpart on the other hand, had no clue what was going on, he was just excited cause she was excited.  Putting the “walking collars” and leashes on is an event in itself, the little one (dog that is) gives me such a hard time to put the harness on.  He really lives up to his nickname of Psycho dog, so lovingly referred to by me (the boys get mad at me when I refer to him like that but really if you met him, you would agree!)  Anyways, with our leashes in hand (forgot the poop bags! OOPS, good thing we didn’t need them for this one) off we went.  The sun was setting nicely up the street so I couldn’t resist grabbing my camera for hopefully a few good shots. 

Wow, was it freeeeezing.  I’m pretty sure the feelings in my fingers still havn’t come back yet.  Between the cold, balancing my camera, and dragging “psycho dog” on the leash, it was a sight to see I’m sure.  There were a few times ole phsych lunged forward and almost pulled the camera out of my grasp.  He’s strong for a 6 pounder!  But yet for the most part he strolled right beside me, marking his territory any chance he got.   Maxie on the other hand, pulled at her leash like walks are going out of style and this would be her last one.  She usually ends up taking whoever happens to be holding her leash, for a walk  instead of the other way around.  She has never once stopped to go to the bathroom when on a leash.  I kid you not,  NEVER!  Weird.  I don’t get it.  We have tried taking her for a walk as soon as we get home (after a whole day without going outside) and nothing!  She will wait til she’s in the privacy of her own backyard, thank you very much, before she does her business. 

She does tug on that leash though, she’ll run around in a big circle and tie you up, lie down on the neighbour’s lawn and not get up, find the biggest puddle and roll around in it.  She is in her glory when she goes for a walk, and on this day my oldest had the honour of holding her leash with pride (even when she lay down in the snow and refused to budge).   I was so cold, and when I asked him if he was ready to go back home, he said “Nah, I think Maxie still wants to walk”.  So away we went, a boy and his dog…following where the wind…errr…dog took us. 

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