Baby Maxim – Toronto, GTA, Durham Region, Family and Kids Photographer, Newborn Photography

There is something about photographing newborns that I just can’t seem to get enough of…I think it’s that baby fresh scent, or how cute they look when asleep,  maybe it’s the fact when they poop, I can pass them off to their parents!! 🙂  Who knows!?!

I met Janet…oh maybe 8 years ago now, we played fastball together.  She was a pitcher (and an extremely talented one at that) and I was her catcher (I made her look good! Sorry Janet, had to go there!!)  But really, if you’ve ever been in a catcher/pitcher relationship you have to have good chemistry and bond well with your pitcher/catcher, cause really you make each other look good.  And for as good as I made Janet look, she made me look even better!  We had the opporunity to play on the same team for a few years, and we quickly bonded and became fast friends.  When the chance came for me to play hockey with Janet’s hockey team, I jumped at the chance, and we became defence partners!  She saved my bacon on more then one occasion, and to thank her, I thought it would be funny to skate at her one day, lose an edge, and fall in a heap on top of her! OOOOPS!  I’ll never forget her face as I skated towards her completely out of control!! Umm…We laugh about it now…

Anyhow, I lost my defence partner last year to pregnancy, and as much as I missed her, I couldn’t be happier for her and her hubby!  A month ago, they gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, and as much I told them that “Elaine” as a name works for both a boy and a girl, they decided to call their precious boy, Maxim.  He’s a cutie!! The spitting image of his dad.  I’m wondering if his parents will let me teach him some of my “skating” moves…something tells me NO!  😉  Without further annoying bantering by me, here is the cuteness that is Maxim!

Told you he’s a cutie!!!!

I love this next one…

I kind of love this next one too!!

We tried and tried and tried to get him to fall asleep, but he wanted no part of it!  He was even holding his head up to see what I was doing!

Finally I wore him out with all my stealth photography moves!

The perfect watch dog for Maxim!

Mama and baby

Rockstar!! You go girl!!

The last look he gave me before drifting to sleep…how appropriate!

Thanks for letting me into your home to photograph your beautiful baby!! May he be the first of many more to come! 🙂


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  • Jan

    INCREDIBLE! Thank you so much for coming to take pictures of my little man. They are amazing! I actually started crying when I saw them, they are so beautiful. He really is cute! HA HA Definitely gets that from his daddy…

    A million thanks, you ROCK! Can’t wait to have my defense partner back 🙂

  • Grandma and Grandpa Guertin

    Maxim is the most perfect baby boy! A precious gift from heaven and we love him so much! Thank you for sharing these photos!!
    We especially enjoyed the one with Maxim wearing the hat!
    PS It must make your work so easy having such a super model.
    Congradulations, we love your work!

  • OMG my little nephew is so frikkin adorable! These pics are amazing! great job on the photography…I feel like I am there watching him grow even though I’m thousands of miles away!

  • Donna Stephens

    Elaine you did a fabulous job of the pictures and Janet you did a fabulous job as well. He is adorable but what else can I expect when you are so beautiful to begin with. hope to see you at the rink in the fall
    Donna Stephens