Nicole & Justin – High School Sweethearts Engaged


Yes, it’s been awhile, I have to admit.  I’ve been really busy.  Busy is a good thing.  I have a lot of shoots to post still so please keep coming back!!

I met Nicole and Justin through friends of mine (yes, baseball friends!).  From the minute I met Nicole, I knew I was going to like her! She’s down-to-earth, friendly, caring, and loves her guy!  Nicole and Justin are high school sweethearts and have been together forever!  They are getting married next year, and they have graciously asked me to photograph their special day.  Nicole wanted to have some fall engagement photographs, and try as we might, the weather wouldn’t fully cooperate, but dang it all, the two of them rocked it out.  The weather was overcast, it was muggy, it had rained the entire day leading up to our shoot, it was FREEZING…did I mention it was FREEZING?  Poor Justin, us girls kept offering our sweaters to him (haha!).   Having said that, looking at the two of them, you would swear they were on a beach, somewhere in the tropics on their honeymoon, like they just met yesterday!  You can tell they are meant to be together, and I’m so glad that they asked me to photograph them together. 

Here is a sneak peek.



Her man, Justin:

Nicole & Justin:

See, I told you they’re in LOVE!  I love it when a picture captures the way two people feel about each other…

Time for a clothing change:

I asked them to toss some leaves in the air, and dang it, I think Justin understood that there was going to be a winner or something, cause look at that competitive face!! Leaf tossing is a serious thing apparently!!

And last but not least…my fave…


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  • Nicole

    Wow Elaine! The pictures are great!! I can’t wait to see the rest of them!!!! Justin and I had so much fun, and it was such a beautiful day. Other than the freezing cold temperatures, I’d say everything was perfect. We can’t wait to have you do the wedding, I’m going to recommend you to everyont I know!!