Adam – The Camera Hog

What can I say about Adam?  Hmm…Great fellow photographer, runs a successful photography studio out of Bowmanville, Ontario…Generous, allowed me to toy around with his camera equipment and test out some Canon gear…what else..umm, CAMERA HOG!! HaHa! Yup, that’s right, total camera hog, and why not, he takes great pictures.  When my group wanted me to get in front of the camera, I balked, that’s why I’m the photographer, I like to be behind the camera (although hindsight, I wished I’d been in front of the camera just to get some shots of myself for my up and coming website, see always a reason to put yourself in front of a camera!!!  Adam eagerly volunteered to get in front of the camera as our “lighting” guinea pig, and away we went.  Dang, he worked the camera! You go boy!!   As talented of a photographer as Adam is, I think he may have missed his calling as a model…who knew!?! 

Even better, how he managed to get in front of the camera with some of the other models…hmm…talented, funny, helpful and Smart…(smart enough to get some pictures with the beautiful female models!) 

Here he is rockin’ it out with Hailey…he is the photographer and not the model in this pic, but you really wouldn’t know that except for the camera in his hand, I mean look at that posing! GQ all the way!

Here’s one with Alex,  he’s pretending to chimp, but really he just wants to be in the picture! I told you, complete camera HOG!! 😉

I really like this next photo, except…umm…Adam’s in it! AGAIN! LOL!  Now he’s just outright blocking the model too.  Go figure!

Look at the relieved smile on his face below! No models all up in his space, trying to steal his thunder! 

And just in case I hadn’t proved my point enough, one last shot of Adam getting up close and personal with Hailey!  Thanks again Adam for letting us use your studio and allowing me the opportunity to play with your Canon gear!

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