Baby Lauryn is here…

Join Lauryn in celebrating her own arrival…”Yipee, I’m here” (I think that’s what she’s saying in this picture, or it could be something more along the lines of…”woohoo, I just pooped!”, I’m not sure.The baby is here…the baby is here…and she is a cutie I might add.  I went to photograph this new arrival on Sunday, and she was so good.  Is it bad that I held her more than I photographed her??   Just holding her and watching her sleep was enough to almost push me over the edge to have another one…almost. (note the word a-l-m-o-s-t).  But really, she is so sweet, looks exactly like her mama if you ask me. 

The proud parents…

Some black & whites…

And just for a little something different, I added alot of contrast to this picture.  I like to call it “a conversation between dad and daughter” because, wow, it looks like she’s talking her daddy’s ear off and he’s just soaking it all in, loving every minute of it. 


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  • Christine

    Really great pictures! The baby is so cute. Congratulations to the parents on a real sweetheart.

  • Justine

    Found your site by accident you could say. Fantastic shots of the baby. Really cute

  • Lisa Arden

    LOVE the baby pics! Really great job!