Baby On the Way (not that you could tell) – Maternity, Toronto Area, Photography GTA

Maternity Photography, Toronto and GTAAnyone else notice how fast the summer is flying by?  Before you know it, it will be…dare I say it…Christmas!! Yes,  I went there!  I’m thinking in a few more weeks Costco will have it’s Halloween stuff out!!! Argh! I hate the sight of Halloween stuff, cause it means summer is coming to an end, and quickly.  I know it’s an odd comparison, because the time frame just isn’t the same, but how come pregnancy doesn’t fly by!  I remember at 8 months, I was ready to pull an “Ace Ventura” and spit my babies out!  (If you don’t know what I’m referring to, then I’ve probably dated myself, and you need to go out and rent the movie Ace Ventura! Funny movie!)   I was soooo big, I swear I was carrying triplets both pregnancies, but no, just one each time and each time, the closer it got to the due date, the more I felt time just dragging. I never thought the day would come…but it did, and now I look back and I know you want me to say something warm and fuzzy here, like “the time really just flew by and if I could go back and do it all over again, I would savour every moment!”  Ummm….Not gonna happen!  I hated being pregnant.  Pregnancy + me = DISASTER!  Labour…no problem…but pregnancy…YIKES!  Just did not agree with me.  (and sidenote: I would do it all over again, because God has given me two of the most beautiful boys in the world!)

Nikki on the other hand…WOW! I think she should be pregnant all the time!  You know how people say “you’re glowing”, well I was never “glowing” when I was pregnant, but I can honestly say that Nikki is more then glowing, she’s got this beautiful aura surrounding her and her baby and quite frankly, I’m a weeee bit jealous ;)!  I met Nikki on the day of the shoot, although we had emailed back and forth.  I was a little intimidated meeting her, because she’s a model, and from pictures I had seen, I knew she was going to be gorgeous!  And she is!  My anxiety upon meeting Nikki quickly diminished when she opened the door and greeted us with a big smile and hurriedly ushered us in! She had baked us some croissants and wanted us to eat them while they were still warm!  Gorgeous…and NICE! Darn it, I really wanted to dislike this girl!!   Not gonna happen! I love this girl! We chatted and laughed as though we had been friends for years! 

Nikki and her hubby Demetrius are going to make awesome parents.  If Demetrius has his way, baby boy will come into this world, rocking it out on a baby guitar!  Or better yet, maybe the drums! Instant band and you never even have to leave the home to practice!  I can just tell that Baby will be playing a musical instrument before he can probably walk or talk.  I need to make a separate trip to photograph Demetrius on his own with all of his guitars!  What a fun shoot that would be! (hint…hint…)

Nikki’s makeup was done by the incredible Zenah who is a professional makeup artist and has been in the industry for over 15 years! If you need your makeup done, drop me a line and I will get you in touch with her.  Zenah is truly talented in what she does!

Without further ado…the shoot:

See, 8 and a half months pregnant, and absolutely beautiful!

and cause sometimes I can’t decide between colour or black and white…

Time for a quick clothing change…We had to “sneak” some quick photos on this table, cause the security guard in the lobby left the room! 

Introducing Demetrius in black and white…

and in colour…

Nikki rocking it out!!! YOU GO GIRL!

Love this next one…

and as the saying goes…”that’s a wrap!”  Nikki and Demetrius, thank you so much for allowing me into your home and your world for a few hours!  I feel very fortunate to meet such great people in my travels.  I can’t wait for the opportunity to hopefully photograph your newborn!   


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  • Zenah

    Um… could she be any more gorgeous?!?! Damn!!! Love these shots Elaine.. You are GREAT and make my work look that much better! Thanks 🙂

  • Nikki

    Honestly, the way I connected with Elaine the moment she walked in, was quite rare. I love open, happy people and Elaine is someone whom you meet once and will want to keep in your life.

    I too, was apprehensive about meeting her, as you never know how it’s going to work out when you collaborate with a stranger.
    How true it is that we laughed and carried on like friends from years back. Zenah (make up artist) was hilarious and I have to say, the teamwork of these two ladies is professional, results-oriented, but MOST of all FUN!!

    The shots are stunning and I am so happy this special time in our lives was captured so beautifully.
    Demetrius and I would be honoured to get the opportunity to have Elaine photograph our baby, and no matter what, we will definitely be in touch because she is simply THAT awesome!
    million thanks to both Zenah and Elaine for the amazing pictures and memories. D & I are so thrilled : )

  • Beautiful job with these!