Deanna Baby #2 on the way…Toronto and Durham Region, Oshawa Maternity Photography

WOWOWOWOW! It sure has been awhile since I’ve posted on my blog!!! Shame on me!  It’s not that I haven’t been shooting, on the contrary, I’ve been shooting alot.  I’ve just been too busy to post.  But I hope that will change with this new session! 

Maternity Toronto, Oshawa, Canada Photography


Deanna emailed me and asked if I could possibly do some outdoor maternity shots for her and as well get some shots with her family.  How could I resist?  There really is something about Maternity photography that makes me happy.  Maybe the miracle of life? How beautiful and radiant mom’s to be look?  I don’t know, but there is definitely something special about it.  This session was no exception.  I had a blast from start to finish.  Their first child, Noah, oh my!!  Seriously he amazed me with how well he communicated for such a young little boy.  Still a baby and speaking as though he’s a wise man.  The way he spoke, the things he said…I’m not kidding, he is one heck of a cute and VERY smart kid!! He is going to keep his parents busy!  If his sibling on the way is anything like him, watch out world…Deanna, thank you for giving me the opportunity to photography your family.  I had a blast! Can’t wait to meet your newborn! 🙂 

Told you, something about Momma’s to be…GORGEOUS!! 

I only wish I looked so good when I was pregnant…

And I told you Noah is a Cutie…and smart and Funny…Look out girls, a lady’s man in the making!!

Giving the flowers all ready! Smoooooth! Probably learns his moves from his dad! I asked him in the car whose stronger his mom or dad…and that little boy looked right at me and pointed to himself and said “ME!”  haha! Smart!!!!


And the proud parents to be…

It felt good to be outside again, after what felt like such a loooooong winter…(Not liking this rain we are having so much though!) We were worried we would have to postpone this session or maybe take it indoors, but thankfully the weather held up and Deanna rocked it out!!

Deanna, thank you again for allowing me the chance to capture this moment in yours and your family’s life!


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  • AAAAAAHHH!!!!!! I LOVE THEM!!! Elaine thank you so much for this session, we all had a great time and were thankful the rain held off til the very end. Gorgeous work!!

  • Linda

    Dee you are gorgeous, and these pictures are wonderful..loved them all!

  • These are lovely! Gorgeous work here!

  • WOW! These are incredible. Deanna – you make pregnancy look so beautiful. Lovely work, Elaine!

  • Jennifer

    Amazing work!!! Deanna, you look beyond beautiful.