Greg & Dina – Engagement Photography, Toronto Ontario, Family & Portrait Photographer

If you learn one thing about me, it’s that I LOVE playing baseball (among other sports), but there is something about hanging out at the ball diamond, catching some pop flies, hitting some homeruns, making spectacular catches that I just can’t explain (probably because I rarely do any of those things!! HAHA)  But really, baseball for me is a time to relax, have fun with your friends, and most importantly kick some b—! 

I met Greg actually while playing baseball, he came to “coach” my women’s team one year.  I use the term “coach” very lightly cause again, it was more just to hang out and be around the ball diamond! And somehow he became a good friend.  If I could’ve predicted anything for Greg it would be that he would meet someone at the ball diamonds and fall in love.  He just spends so much time there.  Sure enough, that’s how he met Dina.  She came with a friend of hers to watch Greg’s men’s team play, and somehow in all that dirt, white-pant wearing, forward-diving lankiness that is Greg 😉  she was smitten.  But I think he was probably smitten first.  Once you see the pics of Dina, you’ll know why he would be smitten! Who wouldn’t?? The girl is gorgeous!! And yes, she has some rather “strange” quirks about her (ie, peeling sausages…but that’s another story)but she’s got a great heart, and I have never seen Greg happier.   

When Greg and Dina asked me if I would take some engagement shots of them at the ball diamond, I jumped at the chance.  We had a blast, even though it was freezing cold, the wind was whipping our hair around and we had bright sun issues, I believe Greg & Dina rocked the session out!  (Well Dina rocked it out, and she just took Greg along for the ride.  She makes him look good just by mere association!) 

Told you she’s gorgeous!!

Engagement Photographs, Toronto, GTA

The Happy Couple:

Love…Love…Love this next one:

And this one…so peaceful:

I asked  Greg to lay one on Dina…and this is what I got, so sweet and soft:

Then I asked Dina to lay one on Greg, and this is what I got…Hmm…. 😉

I’m not even sure I requested this one:

After a few clothing changes, it was on with the ball gear for some fun and frolic:

And when it got too cold and too windy, they strolled off into the sunset…Congrats again guys on your engagement! 


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  • Glenda

    Absolutely beautiful pics. Elaine, fantastic details captured the feelings of two people in love.

  • They look so happy :). You’ve really captured their love for each other in these pictures.