Having a baby…SOON! Maternity photography – Whitby Ontario

Oshawa Maternity Photography LifestyleWell, I know by these pictures, you would never be able to tell that she’s due soon…very SOON! Umm…Andrea, you look like I looked when I was 2 months pregnant the second time around.  I’m serious.  Really.  If you’ve been pregnant more then once, you know that generally speaking, you start showing much sooner then the first time!  But I swear Andrea looks just as gorgeous, as the first time, and I think she tried to tell me she’s gained more weight this time, but I don’t believe it!!!!!

I have to admit there are reasons I do what I do and one of them is capturing moments like this…

You know me, I love shots that are emotional, and although I can’t tell what the parents to be are thinking, I’m sure it’s all wonderful thoughts about their baby on the way.  Scott and I joke around a bit about how I think the baby is going to be another girl, and how he’s “secretly” rooting for a boy.  So every time I see him I spontaneoulsy scream out “girl” as though I have some sort of nervous tick or something.  He gives me an evil eye and says “bite your tongue!”  But deep down I know that Scott and Andrea will love their baby on the way the same, no matter boy or girl.  I will tell you though when I walked into the house and saw Andrea for the first time in months, I immediately thought “boy!”  Don’t tell Scott though!



Their little one gave us a bit of adult alone time while she napped.   I think I laughed a little too loudly and woke her up! (Yes, I make no secret of it, I’m a loud laugher…Did I mention I love to laugh???)

Lifestyle photography right here:


You know what I love most about Scott and Andrea…two things, number 1: (ask me about Marco another time! I’ll do a little french transating for you!)

and #2:  the banana & chocolate chip pancakes! You know you’ve arrived when you show up at a session and breakfast is being prepared while you shoot! Love it….

And I think one of my favourite shots of the day has to be this one:

I just have to say a BIG HUGE THANK YOU to Scott and Andrea, seriously, for being huge supporters of me and my career from Day One.  I think next to my mom, Andrea may be my biggest fan, and I want you to know Andrea (and Scott!) that I appreciate it to no end.  Really. It means alot.  Ok enough mushy stuff…now give us some more Banana Chocolate Pancakes and maybe we will let the cat go unharmed and unkissed! 🙂




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  • Scott

    Great pics Elaine. Your intensity and desire with photography can be seen by these shots. You always seem to get the best out of every picture.