On the farm…

We’ve been friends for a while now, playing lots…and I mean LOTS, of ball together!  Somehow it makes you family.  We are all fighting for a common goal, rings in Niaraga Falls.  At the start of the year we play tournaments and if we win, great, if we lose, not so great, but ok, we had fun, we socialized, we laughed, we had some pops by the car…but Niagara, well let’s just say what happens in Niagara stays in Niagara!!  Except if we win a ring, then everyone will know about Niagara!  But back to the family session I did today.  Kate and I have become friends and family through ball.  We have our “dynasty” moments, our “let-your-hair-down” fun moments, sad moments, happy moments…and through it all, we’ve remained friends.  I guess that’s what friendship is, going through things, and coming out on the other side, still friends…I know Kate has my back, and I hope she knows I have hers too! 🙂

When Kate asked me to photograph her and her family, of course I said “Heck YA!”  Kate is gorgeous and so is her family…

See, told you they’re gorgeous!

Kate and Jay, they look so happy.  Seriously, I love pictures that evoke an emotion, and for me when I saw the above picture, I smiled.  The picture to me says happiness…

The girls and one of the horses (who insisted on being in almost all the pictures! He gave new meaning to the term “Camera Hog”) .

The boys GQing it out for the camera, again with the “Camera Hog”.

The kids with Kate’s dog…I say Kate’s dog because quite frankly, if you know Kate you would say she is THEE Dog Whisperer!  Any dog she owns is completely and totally in love with her…Eyes only for her…in fact I think Harris has his eyes closed right now because he’s dreaming about Kate!  You think I joke…I’m serious! 😉


Anyways, Kate and family, thank you for letting me into your beautiful home and spending a couple hours with you doing my thing!




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  • Kate

    Through my tears I can only say that Elaine has brought our inner beauty out and I cannot thank her enough for her patience and ability to make us feel as beautiful as we look.
    Thank you