Toonie Tuesday

I’m a Hero…yup, that’s right.  You heard me correctly.  I’m a hero.  Every once in a while, in the eyes of my 9 or 11 year old, I become their hero.  Even if it’s only for a minute.  The other day my phone rang, I could see on my caller ID it was my son’s school.  Uh-oh.  Did I forget to pack him a lunch (nah, only my youngest worries about that, and he’s at a different school.  Seriously, my boys are like night and day.  If you don’t pack the youngest lunch, look out, it’s the apocalypse.  My oldest, he wouldn’t even notice…but that’s a different story, for a different blog post).  “Hello”, I hear myself saying.   “Mom? I didn’t get to go in the haunted house.”  HUH?  Wasn’t expecting that one.  “There’s a haunted house here at school, and I forgot to bring my permission note and my toonie for it and my teacher wouldn’t let me go in it.  Can you bring me a toonie and write me a note asking my teacher to let me go with the other grade 6 class.”  Well, my son, miss the haunted house??? The HORROR! (Pun totally intended!)  I would have no part of that.  I hung up the phone, donned my cape (ok, well so what if it was only a jacket), got into the batmobile, (i wish) and mocked one it (ya, that’s right…Mocked-one-it) over to the school, stealthily by-passing that policeman with radar down the street (yes, I know you are there)!  I leapt into the school office in a single bound waving that toonie in the air…ta-da, the hero of the day had arrived.  “Thanks mom, you’re the best!”  Hugs!  Well maybe I hugged him as he was pulling away, trying to squirm out of my motherly grasp…but still…for a single moment, I became the hero in my son’s eyes.  Able to leap tall buildings and bypass radar guns,  faster then a speeding scooter, all to bring a toonie and permission form to my boy for the haunted house.  They should be writing articles in the paper about me…or not.  🙂


Here’s to heroes and toonies.


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